All Episodes

Displaying episodes 1 - 8 of 8 in total

Trailer - Welcome to the Empire

All there ever is, all there ever was, and all there ever will be is the Empire. Join us on June 7th to meet the unlucky souls that call it home! Find TTN's social med...

1 - A Changing Empire

The party arrives at a grand funeral and an empire is forever changed. Find more of the Tabletop Talespinners Network here!Cast: GM - JeeAelina - JacquelineCerridwen -...

2 - Into the Maze

The party licks their wounds as the chaos of the funeral fades into the background. Find more of the Tabletop Talespinners Network here!Cast:GM - JeeAelina - Jacquelin...

3 - The Urchin

Content warnings: Misophonia (Chewing SFX, 0:42:00 - 0:43:15), Minors in dangerous situationsA helpful tip leads the party to the first lead in solving their mystery. ...

4 - Rot Tooth Row

Content Warnings: Minors in dangerous situationsThe party recovers from their sloppy rescue mission and makes their way to Rot Tooth Row, where the pieces of the puzzl...

5 - The Firestarter

The party's battle with a strange creature continues!  Find more of the Tabletop Talespinners Network here!Cast:GM - JeeAelina - JacquelineCerridwen - GraceKhuvos - Em...

6 - What Comes Next

CONTENT WARNINGS: Description of being buried alive - 1:04:03 - 1:05:00The Firestarter is taken care of, a new piece is added to the puzzle, and a relative peace retur...

7 - Investigations in the Upper City

The upper city has opened once again, and our characters have business to attend to! Can their secrets remain their own? Only one way to find out. Find more of the Tab...

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